SOoooo much has happened since my last post! The last three weeks have gone by in a whirlwind! Here are the highlights:
We looked at a house in Tifton,prior to going to Atlanta to see my precious neice. WE LOOOOVED it and claimed it!
We went to atlanta- had a blast and get to see that little girl I call Caroline!
We came to Tifton and immediately started moving stuff from Tifton, Hazlehurst and Macon. It took A full week and three 12 foot trailors and 4 truck loads and 4 packed cars to get all the stuff here.
The next week. . . . . FRIDAY the 30 rolls around and I hear about a job opening. I FLY to the school and drop off my resume. Before I could even get home, I was called for an interview. Once home I found out that there were 150 applicants- needless to say I did not have much hope.
MONDAY had an interview at 9:30 and got a call at about 2:45 . . . . . THAT I HAD GOTTEN A JOB AS A FIFTH GRADE TEACHER! All prayers were answered. GOD IS AMAZING!
I have the most amazing job at a great school and even greater co-workers! I couldn't have asked for a better school and I'm so thankful for the opportunity.
I think this about sums up the last few weeks. Molly Jane has grown sooo much. Had to go buy some new shoes this afternoon because she has eaten four pairs of mine. I know I know put them up high- well evidently she can climb. SOOOOOO. She's eating us out of house and home.
I am really going to try and update more. I just don't leave the school until 8 and i'm there by 7, sooooo. My time is just limited right now!
Hope to catch up on lots of blogs this week. Cannot wait to read all about it =)