Friday, May 28, 2010


Hello all,

Well I barely made my weekly goal! It has been a long horrible week. Last thursday was my birthday, but it was a big birthday 25. It just made me feel old. Then on Friday, Rob and I were moving a bed frame and he let go of his side. Well, the outcome of this was two broken fingers for Catherine. My fingers basically got scissored between two things of iron. So needless to say that didn't start the week off great.

Then Wednesday I finally made an appointment to speak with the head of human services at our local Board of Education office to figure out why I was not being called for formal interviews. Well, the man tells me that my college has not turned in any of my certification papers--therefore, all of the principals think that I am from out of state. The head of human resources told me point blank that principals weren't even going to consider me when there were so many people available locally- HELLLO! Meeeeee!! He out right said that I could thank my college for not having any interviews and missing the opportunity to apply to six jobs in our town. Needless to say, I was devastated! So, with all of this being said. I have given up the hope of teaching next year. I will sub and have even booked a maturnity leave already. Which is great news!

Please pray that the next week will bring better news! This all has really hit Rob and I hard. Hope everyone has an amazing long weekend!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

This never ending process. . . .

Hello All,
This week is my birthday. WOO HOO, not. I think I've officially reached the age when I'm too old to celebrate. Say what you want, but I think that 25 is a big year. There are so many things that I wanted to accomplish by 25 that I have not done. However, I am on the right track =).

Right now my life consists of handing out resumes, begging for interviews and more importantly a JOB! I'm soooooo sick of selling myself. I feel like if I say I'm dual certified one more time i'll keel over and die. Exageration- maybe, but its getting so old! I'm going tomorrow- ON my birthday to pass out more resumes. Seriously, this is what life has come to.

For the past few weekends I've been working diligently with my mother to complete one of her yards, my mom is a teacher with a landscaping business, because it was featured in a garden tour. The garden tour, Paws N Claws in the Garden, was put on to raise money for the local animal shelter. There were seven gardens on the tour and a dog at each site. To my knowledge every dog at the sites got adopted on Saturday and they raised a good bit of money for the animal shelter! So it was a double whammy!

Summer is officially here and all I want is a JOB! Hope to have some good news of one on the next post =)! I'm at least trying to stay positive, despite my tired attitude!
Have an amazing week!


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

College Graduate

Keeping up with this blog is proving more difficult than I thought! But, I'm really going to try =).

On Friday, May 7 I along with 75 of my fellow education classmates graduated! It was the best feeling in the whole world knowing that chapter of my life was done. I didn't get quite as emotional until we were walking out and I realized that I wouldn't be seeing these people again on a regular basis. Thank the Lord for facebook and the knowing that most everyone is on there =). After graduation, we all went out to eat at a restaurant called Molly's. It was so much fun! So many people came, most importantly sweet Lucy and all of Rob's family. It meant so much to me to have so many amazing friends and family to support me, because without each of them I wouldn't have made it.

The last few days I've almost reached the point of WHAT NOW?! Jobs for teachers are seemingly sparse and I'm super worried I won't find one. However, I keep passing out resumes in hopes of something coming through. I start my masters on June 28th. While some might think I'm crazy, I just want all of my schooling done before my future children arrive in this world so all my attention can be on them.

I am actually attempting to plan a wedding also. However, with rob and I paying for it ourselves I am getting more and more discouraged. Therefore, I'm looking for a summer job to help foot some of the costs. We've narrowed it down to three places now to decide on one!

I've enjoyed seeing so many familiar faces on here and meeting some new ones. I just wish I had more time for this stuff =)!

Until next time,

Catherine Grace