Well I barely made my weekly goal! It has been a long horrible week. Last thursday was my birthday, but it was a big birthday 25. It just made me feel old. Then on Friday, Rob and I were moving a bed frame and he let go of his side. Well, the outcome of this was two broken fingers for Catherine. My fingers basically got scissored between two things of iron. So needless to say that didn't start the week off great.
Then Wednesday I finally made an appointment to speak with the head of human services at our local Board of Education office to figure out why I was not being called for formal interviews. Well, the man tells me that my college has not turned in any of my certification papers--therefore, all of the principals think that I am from out of state. The head of human resources told me point blank that principals weren't even going to consider me when there were so many people available locally- HELLLO! Meeeeee!! He out right said that I could thank my college for not having any interviews and missing the opportunity to apply to six jobs in our town. Needless to say, I was devastated! So, with all of this being said. I have given up the hope of teaching next year. I will sub and have even booked a maturnity leave already. Which is great news!
Please pray that the next week will bring better news! This all has really hit Rob and I hard. Hope everyone has an amazing long weekend!