Despite the recent rant on my suffering with the heat, I was drawn to blog today after caring for our four year old pit that is an outside dog! I use to work at a vet clinic, have six dogs between mine and mine at moms, and just genuinely love all animals. So with all that being said, I am disappointed with the care I have given "Beast" the past few days! The heat I listed for today is just today's, it's been like this for a few days.
Yesterday when I went outside to layout I checked on beast first. Sometime in the three hours since Rob had given him fresh water annnnnd food. Beast had drank all of his water and started digging a huge hole trying to get out of the pen and get to water. Naturally, this situation made me aware of the unforgiving heat. I immediately let him out of his pen and on the runner, which allows him to head to the edge of the woods and get more shade and began to be more conscious about refreshing his water.
Today, I started the day out with a mission. I let beast on his runner first thing this am and set a goal to refresh his water ever two hours. However, I went out after just a measly 45 min and his water was scalding. Therefore, I have now started putting ice in his water.
I know that it is not possible for alot of people to be on hand and refresh water for their outside animals this quick. However, as somewhat of a plea if anyone reads this please try your best even get your kids involved to refresh your animals water in the heat as often as possible.
Thanks for listening to my little rant. I hope it brought some attention to these problems. =)

It is definitely the hottest summer we've had in a longgg time... and just makes this pregnant lady more and more miserable!
ReplyDeleteIt is definitely SOO hot here in Michigan so I can only imagaine how hot it is in the south. As for my blog name. No I did not change it...yet. I may be changning it. But even if I do change the name I won't change the address. I'm sorry you are having a hard time following my blog. What is it saying when you try to follow?