I know that everyone is excited that it's the weekend, but I have my own reasons. I'm going STIRCRAZY sitting here all week waiting to hear about jobs and to start my masters. I feel sooo unproductive it's ridiculous.
However, I have all of the necessary paperwork filled out to apply to work in Tallahassee. So I have done something! I also have all of my paperwork and almost all of mamas done to start our masters program June 28! This will give me something to do to pass the time until I hopefully get a job!
We came home from tally last weekend to a huge mess. Rob's roommate who is never here and hasn't paid rent had was at his house the entire time we were gone. This do not go over well, At ALL. Mainly because people who we didn't know were at the house with all of our belongings. I know your thinking well if Rob's friends with him surely you trust the people the guy would bring around. WEllll, in a perfect world yes. WE looooove the guys family so we've tried to be really nice and uunderstanding, but its just getting out of control! It's just a really big mess and all of our belongings are in that apartment. And we can't afford to replace anything- so we are really looking forward to moving on and gettiing out of here!
Rob is really excited about the possibility of moving to Tally. I on the other hand do not want to be that far from my mom so I'm still holding out hope for home. It's a prayer everyday and if anyone can do it it's my GOD!
WEdding plans are going. We kind of thought by doing a destination wedding we could keep it small . . . . hah, it's not looking that way.
Until next time, I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!

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