I technically didn't make it for my weekly blog-but I tried. It's been a super hectic week of hospitals, job applications, wedidng planning and graduations.
My fingers are slowly on the mend. You never know how reliant you are on your fingers till you break two. It was definitley no goooood. We took the tape off on Monday and you could actually feel the breaks. Gross to some but toooottally cool to me =)!
My brother william has chrons disease, acid reflux and ulcers in the small intestines. William is at least six foot two and in the last year has gotten down to a meesly 120 pounds. He loooks sooooo bad. Well after a week of unbearable pain the doctor finally told him to go to the hospital. So, after the hospital visit, a couple thousand dollars, three bags of ivs, and two prescriptions we found out he had a kidney infection as well. His health is slowly getting worse and I feel so bad for him. He use to be a very social 21 year old and now he hardly ever leaves the house. So, I said all of this to ask for some prayers. The medical bills are getting outrageous and with mama already working three jobs I don't know how she's going to handle it. And we just want his pain to be manageable.
Wedding planning- we have decided to get married on a cruise ship. Having to plan and pay for a wedding by ourselves was getting overwhelming and this way everyone gets a vacation. I'm finally getting excited about it.
Job Search--I have broadened the job hunt to Tallahassee Florida. My cousin lives there, I spent a MANY of summers here and I just need a job. I would have to get certified in the state of Florida but i would have a year for that. So shoot some prayers up for that!
We ended the week going to my cousin Alex's graduation. It was kind of bitter sweet without Aunt Marolyn (alex's grandmother). However, I know she was beaming up in Heaven and I'm sure she could hear us cheering up there =).
I hope everyone has an amazing week and enjoys these gorgeous summer days!
In his name,

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